The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135970   Message #3107806
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
05-Mar-11 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: RBS Loss and Boss who gets a bonus UK
Subject: RE: BS: RBS Loss and Boss who gets a bonus UK
"Difficult for a socialist"

If you can so easily call me a 'socialist' merely based on my words without knowing me personally and what I have done in my life, but are merely prattling your biased stereotypes, then why can you not also reasonably be called by others based on your words a 'fascist capitalist', or even, based on my personal hard life experiences at the hands of other people, a 'schizophrenic'? Since you display that you can not understand the basics of 'debating', the "playing of Devil's Advocate" to really understand those with whom you debate, but just label others based on what the buttons that are pushed in your mind respond to, you can only respond with blind stereotypes. And of course, you believe you are never wrong, and thus don't have to ever admit being so. :-)

If you dislike socialists so ardently, then attack all the 'True Christians' who follow what He said about caring for others, and loving them as strongly as one loves one own self, and SHARING WHAT THEY OWN WITH OTHERS - socialist behaviour!!! ... So now you are 'The Anti-Christ'?, since you cannot be a 'True Christian' and display 'socialist thinking or behaviour'. Quote "If someone has done what they have said that they will do and they have a bonus deal then that deal should be honoured - that is a contract and that is what has to be honoured period - no bloody debate, no discussion"Unquote - A contract with Jesus to care for others (whether you are a banker or not) is still "a contract and that is what has to be honoured period - no bloody debate, no discussion" ... It is your displayed ardent hate of 'Socialists', and such attitudes by those who claimed to be 'True Christians', that was strongly motivational in my deciding to lose interest in all hypocritical religious dogma.

"I have no INSIDE knowledge"

But you claim to know how banking works from the inside much better than anyone else here because of your personal experience on the inside. The Real World of Finance and Banking does not run on "common sense and logic", but runs how Accountants deem it must - but you now seem to want to deny that. By your claims of "common sense and logic", if a bad deal is done by a bank loaning money, then the bank should take that loss (and not get a tax write off) because they took the gamble that the overall deal would work - or do you mean that loans should be given to all who ask, without checking to see if their claims that the loan can be repaid are valid? Oh no, you don't, you want houses seized from mortagees in financial distress as good business practice...

"unlike you I only apply common sense and logic"

YOUR OPINION of "common sense and logic" is just that, your opinion. You deny that anyone else but you can have "common sense and logic" - sadly I got that nonsense from my schizophrenic manager for years, until he finally came out and claimed that it was only common sense and logic that I must have faked the highly expensive monitored IQ test to get a score higher that I really was, as he knew, (just as you know that I am a socialist!) that I could not be that bright! That's when they led Him away ...

"and do not just transpose events to suit my arguments as you have done in this case"

The banking problems are world wide - you deny this by hiding behind delusional excessively narrow definitions to suit your arguments.