The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3107902
Posted By: MGM·Lion
06-Mar-11 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"In addition, in this case, he demonstrates a sinister fascination and need to slander a raciql group that he finds distasteful.
For that reason I'm out."   Lox
Keith, so far as I can see, has mentioned nothing about his views on any racial group; he has merely deplored & questioned the [undisputed] activities of a small but over-represented group among one localised demographic & has never claimed to be doing more.

So Lox is "out", is he? How many times is that on this thread, can anyone be bothered to count? And he has the gall to call other people 'liars' as well as indulging in random unbased lying abuse about them of a sort to raise severe concern as to his mental condition and sexual stability.

Wonder how long before he's back on-thread with more of his drivelling evasions. About 15 minutes, I should think, if past form anything to go by. Anyone care for a bet?

Mind you, because I have said that, he might after all actually take himself off and stay away. Wouldn't that be a delightful outcome, now, eh!
