The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136173   Message #3108507
Posted By: Beer
06-Mar-11 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
Subject: RE: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
I'd drink Pepsi before coke any day. Except with rum that is. For some reason Pepsi just does not taste right with rum or any other alcohol.
Short story, but to protect the innocent i was just an observer.

Remember those dispensing machines that you lifted the cover placed your coins in a slot then take the bottle by the neck and drag it through until it came to a holding area and you would lift and the latch (door) would pop up and you would take your drink out? Well they installed one of those in our high school and in a few minutes all the bottles were emptied without leaving the machine. A simple bottle opener took care of the caps and a straw took care of the drinks. Needless to say the soft drink machine was remover shortly after.