The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136173   Message #3108883
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Mar-11 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
Subject: RE: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
Every time I sit in my favorite Sushi bar and sip hot green tea from a Japanese cup (no handle) I am comforted by the thought of how ineffably superior I am to the wretched heathens who guzzle Coke, watch NASCAR, and read old Cheech Wizard comics. ;-)

Someone asked how I like Coke as compared to Pepsi. Well, I always liked Coke the best of soft drinks and I didn't like Pepsi at all, for the same reasons LEJ gave...Pepsi's too sweet and Coke has more oomph. New Coke was dreadful. At any rate, I don't drink Coke anymore. It was the drink of my youth, but no longer. I'm too ethereal for a drink like Coke now. It pollutes my aura... (grin)