The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136173   Message #3109128
Posted By: PoppaGator
07-Mar-11 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
Subject: RE: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
Only one responder named TAB, far and away and hands-down the most awfullest soft drink ever. NASTY stuff! The only explanation I can imagine is that too few of us are old enough to remember it.

Tab was one of the very first artificially-sweetened "diet" sodas and had the most obnoxious aftertaste. It was a Coca-Cola product and supposedly "the same" as Coke but with saccharine instead of sugar, but it really didn't taste anything at all like regular Coca-Cola. What it tasted like, I suppose, was saccharine.

Female consumers bought it for it "non-fattening" properties, but consumption of Tab was virtually unknown among boys and men ~ not at all like today's Diet Coke, which is very popular among people of all genders (especially software developers, who are apparently conscious of the sedentary nature of their occupation and the subsequent need to cut calories).