The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67974   Message #3109703
Posted By: Brian Peters
08-Mar-11 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Would you sing Peggy and the Soldier
Subject: RE: Would you sing Peggy and the Soldier
There is an echo of 'The Demon Lover' here, but in that ballad she is running away with the man (or at least his ghost) to whom she was previously betrothed, which puts a different slant on it. I've never been comfortable with telling anyone what they should and shouldn't sing, but personally I don't find much in this song that would make me want to sing it. The female character has no redeeming features and getting sent back to spend her life with an abusive man is just what she deserves. That's pretty much the sum of it; we are invited to agree with the soldier's judgement that she's a whore. Not much nuance there.

I suppose it could be wrapped in some kind of introduction about outdated moral judgements, but I'm not sure whether it would be worth it. There are old songs in which giving a thrashing to a scolding or lazy wife is presented as justifiable and even amusing. I don't need to sing those ones either.