The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3109745
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Mar-11 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Is on street grooming by groups mainly a crime of BPs?"
Yes where have I claimed it wasn't? (please answer)
"To get you to accept that is the only reason I put up all those quotes."
I don't believe you - the volume and content of your postings leaves me with the impression that you are attempting to present a sordidpicture of the Pakistani populatio in Britain.
"If you did not deny the experience of every witness I put up, and every bit of hard evidence"
Where did I do this - please answer - and all the other requests I made for examples to your accusations of 'my agenda' and 'my denials' in your previous post.
Your continuing evasions are exactly what makes me believe you are working to some sort of agenda, such as "I do not see a need to be sensitive when talking about child rapists". We are talking about smearing whole communities with 'cultural' labels, not 'child rapists', which we all deplore.
Jim Carroll