The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136173   Message #3109870
Posted By: Ed T
08-Mar-11 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
Subject: RE: BS: Worst Soft Drink Ever
I ran out of soft drinks.

The two worst alcohol drinks I ever tasted was:

1) Green Chartreuse liquor (alcohol, sugar, 130 plants and flowers) Chartreuse

2) "Golden Glow" Apple Cider, (East Coast Canada, Hardcore Cider) it came in a big jug (in the 60's and 70's)with a handle on it, so you could chug from the bottle.

Testimonials from:
Golden Glow

""On my 16th Birthday weighing in at a hefty 135lbs I drank a liter in under an hour. I have never been sicker, I spent the night into the morning being hosed down in a shower vomiting violently. I broke every blood vessel in my face and ...pulled my muscles stomach to shoulder, I felt it for a month.""

""I was the only one of my friends to drink this steadily and not get terribly sick. They called us Glow Worms, we called it "Corpse Juice""



""I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about it""

""bahahaha, the memories with Golden Glow... One Bottle would last me a couple nights hahaha! gets you drunk Off your ass... And a very ugly drunk at that""

""This shit was the shit. Unfortunately they dont make the shit anymore. Dammit. It was great shit while it lasted though.""