The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84745 Message #3109924
Posted By: GUEST,Cyneburhleah
08-Mar-11 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Cliffs of Moher (Dermot Kelly)
Subject: I miss playing at the cliffs
I was a busker there for about 5 years. We all had our places and that was decided amongst ourselves who sat where. Some put up a fight when the council started threatening us. I decided to go elsewhere with my music. I remember once I brought a tiny guitar amp up with me and it was a life saver for me. The wind there just took my sound as soon as it came out of my mouth, and threw the sound far away from me. People couldnt hear me sometimes cause of the wind. I remember someone from the visitor center came up and confronted me and said "Youll need to stop using that sound system, youre destroying the wildlife here". I thought it was ironic back then that she would think music destroyed the wildlife. And now it more ironic, since they bulldozed half the hillside up.
Havnt been back there since. I think it would break my heart too much to see the end result of their "upgrades"