The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3110575
Posted By: GUEST,lively
09-Mar-11 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"This thread, hypocritically, has focussed on a very specific activity by a very specific group that was uncovered, ignoring the generality of sexual abuse in this country and trying to make out that, somehow, here we have a Pakistani problem. Stinks, don't it."

As I put it earlier, if people prefer not to discuss it the problem of on-street grooming of underage girls by British Pakistani gangs in the North of England, then this particular organised crime can only continue. If people don't discuss it, this form of organised crime will continue and will not be successfully tackled.

I suspect that white peadophile gangs in this country operate covertly here rather than out in the open, not through choice, but simply because they have to. As such white paedophiles like to go to Thialand, where they can indulge their proclivities more freely and they are far less likely to be challenged by the authorities.

If there is a 'culture of silence' or taboo around the public acknowledgment of certain crimes due to, for example, particular racial aspects of those crimes (or indeed any other reason, such as deference to religious authority), then firstly those crimes are being effectively facilitated or enabled by that silence (and those who would seek to close open discussion), and secondly such silence is only furthering the cause of bigotry and racism against the wider communities to whom such criminal sub-cultures belong.