The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26087   Message #311089
Posted By: kendall
03-Oct-00 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: more problems
Subject: more problems
Is it really true that trouble comes in groups of three? I sure hope so, 'cause I just got the last straw. As you know, last July I had a cyst removed from my vocal chord. I've not yet recovered from that completely, then, last week, I went to light my furnace and it had had it, gotta have a new one, and the latest thing is, a couple of days ago, I lost control of my lips and eyelid on the right side! Before, I sounded like a frog, now, I sound like a frog with a speech impediment! Doctor says it is something called Bells Palsy, and, although not serious, it could last for weeks or months. Anyone had any experience with this crap?