The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3110913
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Mar-11 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Is this as a crime carried out by the majority of the Pakistani population in Britain" why did you answer,"
Put it down to (though I'm sure that you won't) battle fatigue in your war of attrition - a misunderstanding on my part.
I won't be surprised if you milk this slip for all the capital you are able to get from it, in fact, I will be more than a little disappointed if you don't, such is the level at which you appear to operate.
My stance on your attacks on British Pakistanis remains as it was at the beginning, one of disgust and contempt.
"Is on street grooming by groups mainly a crime of BPs?"
No, of course it isn't; it is a crime committed within all groups in Britain, immigrant and indigenous; you are the only one claiming otherwise.
In order to back your claim you have deliberately distorted out of context a tiny handful of quotes from people working in unspecified areas of Britain to smear the British Pakistani population.
Virtually single handedly you have taken a thread that originated as an honest discussion on Muslim prejudice and turned it into a racist diatribe. You have recived almost no support for this, your remaining prop being of no surprise to me as he has in the past mounted similar attacks on homosexuals, describing their 'perversion' as being a major cause of paedophilia.
If your accusations had been made publicly to the extent and of the nature of those made here, say by a national newspaper, I have little doubt that those responsible would be facing prosecution under Britain's incitement to race hatred laws. As it is, they are made from the safety of an internet discussion forum, so you run no such risk - one of the 'benefits' of modern technology, apparently.
The distorted use of your sources would, I have no doubt, have incurred the wrath of those whose work you have used in your 'crusade' - one article specifically warns against the use you have put their opinions to. Another of your sources is a distinguished anti-racist whose work has earned her the honour af being targeted by the cream of Britain's journalism, The Daily Telegraph as 'the stupidest woman in Britain'. I'm sure she would be delighted to see her opinions being used as a stick to beat her own people!
I have to confess to being a little sceptical when Cobra suggested that you might be an ultra-right 'mole' encouraged to make contributions such as this; over this discussion some of that scepticism has dissipated.
Past encounters with you: your apoligist stance on the use of chemical weapons on civilians in Gaza, the occasion when the mask slipped regarding your opinions of the Irish people and your open support of violently abusive and aggressive sectarian demonstrations in Ireland, passing them off as 'harmless days out' - all have led me to an clear opinion of where you stand politically.
One thing you may be sure of; should we find ourselves engaged in discussion ever again, you will not have heard the last of "this is a crime carried out by the majority of the Pakistani population in Britain" or your claims that the British Pakistani culture is one of the causes of their grooming and raping children.
Have a good day,
Jim Carroll