The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136269 Message #3111035
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
10-Mar-11 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst cup of coffee ever!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Worst cup of coffee ever!!!
Aldi's own brand followed by surprise, surprise Marks and Sparks own brand Italian or French Roast (instant) it doesn't matter really. Before Marks and Spencers started to put 'well known' brand names in the foodstore if I was doing a shop and also needed coffee, occasionally it was convenient to pick up a jar and add it in with the rest of the shopping. The taste is really nothing special at all considering how good the quality the foodstuffs are supposed to be. On that basis I call it the worst. Decaff anything is the very very worst, like drinking cardboard flavour hot water, if I want something decaff I drink something entirely different.
It is surprising how Costa coffee or any other can vary from shop to shop, cafe to cafe. I think it depends on how well it is made by the person serving most of the time. Occasionally I have had the odd latte that has been more like a frothy coffee flavoured hot milk than a coffee and then in another cafe or restaurant they will make it really well but as a safeguard I have an extra shot added. On the whole I prefer it to Starbucks.