The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3112253
Posted By: MGM·Lion
12-Mar-11 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Keith has claimed nowhere, Steve, to be writing of more than the small number of particular cases he has identified, + the others found in her further investigations by Hilary Wilmer. He has written with entire truth & accuracy of these, and of the gross imbalance shown in the racial identity of the perpetrators revealed therein; and of nothing else. You persistently accuse him of lying because he has not quoted any other instances of the same pattern of behaviour; but why should he? ~ it isn't what he is writing about; & if you are so concerned about this, why have you provided no such examples? All you have done is to name some other towns with large communities of Pakistani origin in which no such instances are known to have occurred ~ and who has contradicted you? ~ and appeared to have mistaken this for some sort of knockdown argument. Pray explain how this convicts Keith of any untruth. I say again ~~ put up or shut up ...

... which formulation you repeat to me, Jim. I "put up" way back, convincing you then that my interest in this topic has been confined to the statistics furnished by these instances, which I find worrying enough just by themselves, and by nothing else. You previously accepted my assurances of this with relief; but have now shifted your ground yet again to accuse me (insofar as I take your meaning at all ~ see below) of acting to protect Keith from accusations of lying ~~ which he has not, I repeat (see above what I say to Steve), done. I am afraid, Jim, with all due respect (& I do mean that), I think that you are floundering so out of your depth in this thread, and have been doing so throughout {ever since you joined it late, didn't read the preceding posts properly, & had to have it pointed out to you that the accusations were of grooming for passing around within the groups involved and not of brothel-keeping; as well as what the correct meaning of 'incvective' was}, that your contributions have degenerated to the point of absolute incomprehensibility.   I have frankly no idea what this last one is supposed to be talking about. Your hatred of racism, together with your annoyance at some previous statements by Keith on other threads which have nothing to do with this one, seem to me to have deprived you of all judgment as to what you are saying in this present exchange. Get off before you make an even bigger idiot of yourself: please, for crying out loud...
