The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3112429
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Mar-11 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Keith it isn't a cultural case; Straw said it wasn't, the judge said it wasn't, the police said it wasn't, you few, you happy few, you band of brothers are the only ones claiming it is.
If you didn't need Straw why use him as an example and mention him forty-odd times in the course of the thread, (I certainly agree that you need him at the present time like a typist needs a nasty dose of piles).
You knew what he actually said contradicted your case so you deliberately removed the awkward bits, if you hadn't he would have contradicted your case - and you wouldn't be in the klarts that you now find yourself - isn't life just full of 'if onlys'.
"but I am very happy that you have put up evidence for me."
I just bet you are!!!
"You have no justification for saying Keith's deliberate manipulation of his own quotes is out-and-out lying "
Why are you now referring to yourself in the third person - have you suddenly become somebody else (the queen maybe - Thatcher used to do something similar), or do you just wish you were somebody else?
Please stop this embarrasing charade; the more you dig the deeper you sink.
Jim Carroll