The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2304   Message #3113723
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
14-Mar-11 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: Irish Newfoundland lyrics
I see a request for these lyrics from last year: (from the Cape Breton Song Collection)


Lend an ear, me byes, and if you're wise
Your minds they won't meander.
You won't make fun, you son-of-a-gun; (Cuz)
I'm a Cape Breton Newfoundlander.
Cape Bretoners rule the coal mines deep
And we're the seas' commanders.
We fish today out of old Glace Bay
And we're Cape Breton Newfoundlanders.

From Ingonish down to Morien Town
We sail the seas gigantic
On Snappers fast and Newfoundland Jacks,
The pride of the Atlantic.
They serve our swordfish round the world.
There's lobsters and tomatoes,
And who can beat that Island treat,
Salt herring and potatoes?
We sail the Atlantic high and low
While the miners work down under.
From the crack of dawn we carryon
Through lightning, storms and thunder.
When times were right and the wharf packed tight
With boats from Newfie and farther,
What more could you wish than a hold of fish
A-sailing into the harbour?         

But now she's rough and a schooner ain't enough;
You can't keep up with the trawler.
So I'll fish a bit and work in the pit
And maybe I'll earn a dollar.
Now if you're in the Bay, hurry down I say;
Come aboard and take a gander.
We might be loud but we're bloody well proud
That we're Cape Breton Newfoundlanders.         

*-Snapper: a small motorized boat used for in-shore fishing.
Newfoundland Jack: a small schooner often used for sword. fishing off Glace Bay