The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136314   Message #3113895
Posted By: Donuel
14-Mar-11 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Japan Nuclear plant disaster, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Nuclear plant disaster looming
I just watched the explosion of the containment vessel fo #2 .
It was a TREMENDOUS BLAST sending steel concret and qoo tons of Plutonium and uranium 1000 feet into the air.

This was unlike all of the hydrogen gas pops.

Reactor 4 is on fire becasue the new rods to be instaled in dhutdown reactor 4 and the spenmt fuel rods are exposed to air and hundreds of tons of nuclear fuel is now on fire.

Every worst case meltdown scenario is now taking place

Short of a a fssion explosion this is a fission explosion in slow motion involving unimagined amounts of nuclear fuel.

There remains more reactors that are in the same shape that these 4 reactors were in 2 days ago.

There are virtually no more workers to do anything on site such as pour seawater and boron.

From here on out any workers who try to dump boron on the scene will do so at the cost of their lives within 30 days.

Nuclear industry spokespeople who have spun the wonderful safty backup plans and total impossibility of anything like Chernobyl should now shut the fuck up. That includes Glen Beck who said no one was ever hurt by the the private nuclear industry be it 3 mile Island or even Japan.