The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3114178
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Mar-11 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Couldn't help but notice yet another touch of the anti-Muslim agenda since the previous efforts have now well and truely gone crashing down in flames.
There is no religion with clean hands when it comes to the persecution, torture and killing of non-believers - Christianity least of all.
Any church in the ascendency will take advantage of its influence to marginalise and even crush opposition to that dominance, Islam, Christian, Jewish - you name them, the more powerful they are, the more oppressively they behave.
And of course, some churches don't confine their persecution to their spiritual opponents. Christianity is still rightfully smarting from the exposures of the events of the last century (at least) when Christian clergymen, at their leisure, sexually abused and raped young children in their care and under their influence. I'm still getting over the revulsion brought on over the last two nights by the television drama-documentary covering the events surrounding the rape and sexual abuse of possibly over 100 children: in the Irish Republic, in the part of Ireland which remains an echo of the British Empire, and in America: by that good Christian, Father Brendan Smythe, fully protected an assisted in his endevours by his superiors - may they all burn in their own particular hell!
No one church holds the monopoly of persecution and abuse; given enough power, they are all prone to it, and the 'nya, nya, they're more oppressive than we are' just doesn't wash any more. The further all religions and their fairy stories are kept away from having any real influence over our everyday lives other than as spiritual advisors, the safer we and our children will be, and even then, they need to be carefully monitored.
Jim Carroll