The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136314   Message #3114990
Posted By: Charley Noble
16-Mar-11 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Japan Nuclear plant disaster, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Nuclear plant disaster looming


I finally was able to view a clear image of Unit-4 of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant-1 and the reactor building no longer has a roof or side paneling. I'm not sure if that resulted from the fires or an explosion or both. The concern has to be what is happening with its spent fuel pool, is there any coolant left, can it be resupplied at this point or is it too late?

Unit's 5 and 6 seem to be in better shape. There has been some increase in temperature in their spent fuel pools but not a dangerous increase.

If I had friends or family in Japan at this point, I would urge them if possible to leave before the prevailing winds shift inland. That may seem alarmist to some on this forum but I and people who know a whole lot more than I about nuclear power that I respect are alarmed.

This is an unfolding situation which is difficult to keep one step ahead of, which strikes me as a awkward way to put it but it's the best I can do this morning. Anyone got a more positive spin?

Charley Noble