The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26087   Message #311521
Posted By: Little Neophyte
03-Oct-00 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: more problems
Subject: RE: BS: more problems
Dear Sir Kendallot
A brave knight like you having to slay more dragons.
Oy, will your battles ever cease?
Of course they will.
From what I understand, battles do come in threes, so look on the bright side, in no time flat this Bell's Palsey thing will be gone and you'll have won your three battle job!
Afterwards I hear there is a big feast with all the other brave knights at the long table. You get to gorge on salmonella free chicken soups, salmonella free roasted boar, barrels of wine and salmonella free loose women with engorged breast bulging out of the top of low cut dresses and whatever else they tend to serve brave knights after their 3 battles have been won.
Why I'd say that is something to look forward to.

Bonnie Maiden who isn't loose, but is engorged but doesn't bulge