The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3115908
Posted By: Bill D
17-Mar-11 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Yes LH... I understand that you agree with Amerigin and believe that way...and I even see some of the reasons. I just do NOT accept that is a gold-plated given that it IS totally that way, or that it always will be. Corruption and greed forever? Sure... remedies, if we bother to use them? Yes...   

"....both have their hands are paid off to do the bidding of mega corporations..."

And you KNOW this how? Don't just tell me "it's obvious".

One of the problems...and virtues... of a system like ours is that it is possible to sway events with votes.....good swaying or BAD swaying.
   Yes...votes can be 'bought' various ways and with different currencies.... this does NOT mean ALL votes in ALL circumstances. We are seeing that in Wisconsin as many voters realize they were lied to by the governor about what he intended to actually DO.....and some legislators, also. Now they are going thru the procedure of beginning recalls...and after a year, they can do it to the governor, too.
   I often wish we had, as many countries do, 'votes of no confidence' and special elections.

I know about Dennis Kucinich ... and I think he serves a valuable purpose where he is. I just think that the good he would do as president would be outweighed by his 'shoot from the hip' concept of dealing with issues. (Now... I would vote for Barney Frank in a minute! but he is *gasp* gay!...and there are several others who know and understand what is going on).

I am waiting to see what the Democrats run on next year.... there are SO many issues that are **important**, but not every one galvanizes voters. The Republicans DO know how to get disparate groups all under one bulgy, cluttered banner....but they mostly run AGAINST things. Now, the Democrats have some stuff THEY can run against.