The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136446   Message #3116433
Posted By: GUEST,lively
18-Mar-11 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another View of Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Another View of Religion
a *request* that someone consider their spiritual beliefs in the same way that you prefer to, isn't the same as believing someone 'should' do so. "I doubt, therefore so should believers". As for 'exclusivity', if you choose to exclude yourself, that is a choice you make. If you feel offended by it, grow a thicker skin. I believe that others should believe in god if that pleases them and request prayers from fellow believers if that pleases them likewise. Their belief in their god, is none of my business, so long as they don't try to make it my business, which is another matter. The uk is perhaps the most secular state in the world, it should be far moreso. The more secular a state, arguably the more tolerant we would all be towards others who believe differently to us.