The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26054   Message #311661
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Oct-00 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creation v Evolution Part II
Subject: RE: BS: Creation v Evolution Part II
I lead a Bible study at my Catholic parish on Thursday nights, and I had to answer this question last week. I wish I had been able to see this thread first, but it had not yet been "created."
There's one guy in the class of 25 who would have argued the matter with me for two hours, if I had allowed it - so I made sure I made my statement when there was no time for questions. I really try hard to avoid upsetting the applecart for people. I see no reason to debunk people's beliefs, unless there's something hateful in what they believe. But in this case, I had to say something, because the question had been asked.
What I said was that Catholics believe that God created the world and is still active in creation; but the Catholic Church takes no official position on how the world was created. Catholics are free to believe that God created in seven days, or seven ages, or through the wonderful, natural process we call evolution. I decided it was better not to use the word "myth" because that word is loaded with negative connotations and misunderstandings - but I think the Book of Genesis makes wonderful use of mythical language to show how God has been intimately involved with creation and life from the very beginning. I wanted to answer the question in one minute and go on to our scheduled discussion, so I didn't want to get too deep into the subject.

I spent 8 years in a Catholic seminary in the 1960's. There wasn't really any question about the topic there - I was always taught that God created the world through the process of evolution. In the years that have gone by since then, I have learned of the beauty and value of the various creation myths, and I have learned to treat those myths with more respect.

-Joe Offer-