The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3117623
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Mar-11 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"That was not to spare you further embarrassment, was it?"
You re-opened this deplorable thread with a plea for people to come to your defence as not being a racist - don't see many takers - do you?
A large number, many hundreds, of children were groomed and gang raped by BPs in certain northern cities over the last ten years.
Where do your figures come from? Do you have any idea how many children were involved?
"Do you think it significant?"
I think the rape of any child extremely significant, whether the rapist is Muslim, Catholic Jew, black white, striped or polka-dotted.
"Do you think it racist?"
I think it racist to make a cultural issue that the rapist happens to be a Pakistani, I think it racist to suggest that paedophilia is a cultural or race issue, I think it racist to suggest 'large numbers' - 'many hundreds', on figures you do not have, especially as your star witness (in the bit you snopaked out) took pains to point out that this was a case of young men coming from a culture with high moral standards, doing what other young men of their age have done before them. He also pointed out that overwhelmingly paedophilia was not an Asian/Muslim crime - but you snopaked that bit out too.
Another piece of your 'evidence' pointed out the dangers of these reports being used for racist purposes, as you have attempted to use them.
Do I believe you to be a racist - yup; you've talked me (and nearly everybody else) into that one a hundred percent.
It is you and you alone who has despicable made the rape of children a vehicle to air your own prejudices.
As for my non-appearance on this thread; surprisingly, I found the Inishowen singing Festival a breath of fresh air compared to this cess-pit.
.... put up specific evidence for each allegation
See above.
Jim Carroll