The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3118106
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Mar-11 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
···"Your reason for re-opening this thread - to plead that you are not a dishonest, manipulative racist, appears to have fallen on deaf ears"...

"If I am an arse where is the avalanche of support for your case, your racism and your dishonest behaviour - the very reason you re-opened this thread - where is your backing?"···
I am sorry, Jim; I am still here to tell you that I think that you & Steve & Don have got it wrong, &, insofar as the small but significant section of the matter concerning the over-representation of one demographic regarding one particular segment within a pattern of overall conduct is concerned, Keith has got it right.

Your attempts to widen the matter to cover the whole of this conduct spectrum are counterproductive, in emphasising the over-representation within this particular part which is all that is at issue to Keith & me. Your constant repetitions of Keith's "previous" on other threads likewise raises the question as to why you need to resort to such manifest irrelevancies if your overall case is as strong as you appear to think.

I hope you will believe that I am not attempting merely to controversialise. BWM paid us both the compliment above of saying how gratifying he found it that we could differ in an urbane and courteous manner, and I much regret that here might have been some passages since then when we let this sort of discourse slip into hostility or disrespecful unmannerliness. But I do not think I can let go your above assertions that Keith's case is being undermined by a deafening silence in response and an overwhelming lack of support.

I'm still here.

Best regards as ever
