The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135944   Message #3118175
Posted By: Bobert
21-Mar-11 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
Good morning, folks... And in many ways...

The P-Vine is in the best spirits she's been in since her diagnosis... She's looking forward to getting the drain out... That will mean an entire 3 weeks before having to see any doctor... That the longest stretch of no doctors since, well, a long, long time...

We have a ratified contract on the farm, too... Hooray!!! I won't go into the details but we are very happy with the contract...

Her sister, Elaine, bless her heart, will be going back to Leesburg this morning so looks like ol' Bobert will be Chef Bobert fir awhile... That's scary... lol... By the way, the P-Vine during here crankier moments has called her sister, Nurse Ballbuster... I donno???

Anyway, thanks all for the tons of support, the prayers, the healing thoughts... All those things count big time in our book... Count big time in God's book, too...

Love to each and everyone of you...
