The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3118345
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Mar-11 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
And last, but not least
Chapter 5
Jim Carroll

"At the point in their lives when they are ready for this sort of activity, Asians cannot go to Asian girls because it would be a terrible breach of the honour of the community and their family to have sex with an Asian girl before marriage." She said that the reason Asian men targeted very young white girls was because older white girls knew that a relationship with an Asian youth was unlikely to last as the community would seek an arranged marriage with someone from the Asian sub- continent. Police and groups campaigning to protect women insisted that the grooming of youngsters is not segregated along race lines, though there is concern at the attitudes of some young Asian men towards white girls.
Parents claim that criminal networks are able to prey on young girls because the authorities are reluctant to tackle the issue for fear of upsetting race relations in areas of the North West with large ethnic minority communities.
However, Ms Cryer added: "I think there is a problem with the view Asian men generally have about white women. Their view about white women is generally fairly low
Lord Ahmed, a Labour peer, said he was talking about Asian men in general and warned they can target young Asian girls as well as white girls.
He said: "They are forced into marriages and they are not happy.
"They are married to girls from overseas who they don't have anything in common with, and they have children and a family.
"But they are looking for fun in their sexual activities and seek out vulnerable girls.
"I get a lot of criticism from Asian people who ask, 'How can you say this about Asian men?' But they must wake up and realise there is a problem.
"WHAT JACK STRAW HAS SAID SO CAREFULLY IS TRUE: (my emphasis) There is a problem with some members of the Pakistani community targeting young women in this way. In recent years we have seen it specifically with victims aged just 14, 15 or 16-years-old who are out on the streets at night and groomed by predatory gangs.

"For people to just come out and call Mr Straw racist is wrong. There must be a debate, not on his right to make the comments but on the issue itself because if we can't do that then we can't be honest about the issues that currently affect our communities."
Grooming is only a crime if against children.
As their id evedence that a disproportionate number of BPs are involved, it is quite reasonable to ask why.
People who know the culture, and some members of it blame the culture.
They convinced me.
BPs are predisposed to marry cousins, resulting in very high child and infant mortality. It is true.
t is not being a Pakistani which causes potential sexual repression in these men. It is their Muslim upbringing which sets the rules by which they are expected to live.
Those same rules apply to virtually all Muslims, no matter what their country of origin. The same rules regarding sexual behaviour also apply to Hindus, and to various other faiths.
Yet you steadfastly adhere to the belief that of all the people in the world living under those constraints, the only ones who transgress are British Pakistanis.

Share with us your no doubt brilliant explanation for the fact that Moroccans, Bahrainis, Tunisians and Iranians in this country, for example, and of course Hindus, seem to have no similar problems living with pre marital sexual repression.
56 convictions came within the remit of the study.
53 were BPs.
And how do YOU al lexplain Wilmer's case file of 400 families of victims and ALL perpetrators BPs?
17 court prosecutions since 1997, 14 of them in the past three years, involving the on-street grooming of girls aged 11 to 16 by groups of men.
I think it was a study of, 17 court prosecutions since 1997, 14 of them in the past three years, involving the on-street grooming of girls aged 11 to 16 by groups of men.
Witness statements.   
accused some Pakistani men of specifically targeting Hindu and Sikh girls. "This has been a serious concern for the last decade," said Hardeep Singh of Network of Sikh Organizations (NSO)
We raised the issue of our girls with the previous government and the police on several occasions over the last decade. This phenomenon has been there because a minority of Islamic extremists view all 'non believers' as legitimate targets," said director NSO Inderjit Singh.
Targeted sexual offences and forced conversions of Hindu and Sikh girls was not a new phenomenon in the UK, said Ashish Joshio from Media Monitoring group.
Hardeep said that in 2007, The Hindu Forum of Britain claimed that hundreds of Hindu and Sikh girls had been first romantically coaxed and later intimidated and converted by Muslim men.
They were speaking of there own actual experience with victims of the child raping gangs.
It was not an opinion that the children were raped, and not an opinion who did the raping.
'men combining in teams to procure children in their hundreds from public spaces.' in answer to your question, no i dont know of examples of teams of adults grooming in such a public fashion. Most peadophile rings operate in a highly covert manner. I dont neccesarily think this therefore describes a new 'crime type' but it does perhaps describe a highly succesful methodology currently being employed by a particular group of abusers.
The survey found a massive over representation which can hardly be claimed to be evidence against over representation.
There is a massive over representation of BPs in this crime.
Helen B again, quoted by Yorkshire Post.
"At the beginning we worked on the assumption that girls were groomed by individual pimps, but later discovered widespread pimping networks, much like international people trafficking gangs. Shopping malls, games arcades, places around takeaways and parks are common meeting places.
"The girl (who's typically aged between 13 and 16, but can be only 11 or 12) may meet the man alone, or be introduced by a friend who already knows him. He is usually quite a lot older and good looking, well-dressed and may well have a fast car. He'll meet her regularly, shower her with gifts, give her drink and maybe also drugs, take her for rides, tell her how special she is. He may have sex with her, but not at first, and he will discourage her from telling her parents about him because "they wouldn't understand".
"At some point further down the line he will take her to a flat or down an alley and tell her that in return for all the things he has done for her, it's payback time and she has to do something for him. She will then probably be gang raped. She will be confused, weak, think she's in love with the pimp, but also feel ashamed and guilty. She goes home and takes it out on her family and also drops out of education."
I have stated REPEATEDLY that BPs are under represented in other sex crimes.
This is going on in many cities and has been for decades.
I agree that you have described how each gang probably originates, but it does not explain why there are so many gangs or why they are all BPs.
A case of this not involving BPs has yet to emerge.
The MPs and support group people have seen many hundreds of victims over many years and report all BP perpetrators.
The study was of all cases that have come to court so far.