The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3118591
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Mar-11 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
···And you still haven't responded to:
"Virtually all the examples Keith has shephered together on this thread are subjective opinions based on extremely limited experiences; we have no idea how subjective and how limited because he has chosen to keep it that way by refusing to say whether he believes the deplorable picture he paints of Paskistani life in Britain is local, town-based, city-based or national."
Or given a satisfactory explanation why it was necessary to tamper with your 'evidence'
Or answered any of Don's questions.···   
Jim Carroll ==
& you, Jim, have not responded to any of the points I made at 04.48 PM, pointing out the foolishness of your expecting me to demonstrate a negative ~ a challenge to show where Keith wasn't being racist, of all concepts unworthy of your intelligence ~, and demanding a demonstration of where he was: I can't, I fear, fault his assertion on the Koran Burning thread ~ please be more explicit as to what you find wrong with it ~ or have you never heard of BinLaden & alQaeda, who do indeed have the habit of responding to such 'insults' with fatal results; or did Rushdie's Japanese publisher die of old age, e.g.? He has also reiterated my point that his comments on this thread [which just happens to be where we are] are directed only to the small but significant number of specific instances with which we are concerned; & neither you nor Don has responded to point out where I am mistaken in saying that it is you, not he, who are counterproductively widening the topic we are discussing.

It is still a worrying manifestation, in particular, in being so thoroughly A-TYPICAL of Pakistani law-abiding and societally responsible practice in general, & as such gives cause for concern & need for explanation. Can you guys really not see this? Or that some aspects of their very idiosyncratic-to-themselves customs & expectations with regard to marriage might at least be worth contemplating in the search for this. Please note that I have sedulously avoided using the word "culture" here, as inappropriate and emotionally loaded; so oblige me by not attempting to use it as a stick to beat me with.
