The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3119022
Posted By: Lox
22-Mar-11 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice

The reason you "sound like a racist" is very clear.

You are saying that British Pakistanis are closet Paedos.

You are basing this claim on imaginary evidence and sticking to it despite a mountain of expert testimony that flatly contradicts you.

You are defending a racist hypothesis (your hypothesis) whose premise has been shot to bits and for which there is no actual evidence.

You have been defending it for 2 months.

For example, (before the circle spins round agin and your alzheimers wipes your memory clear of the facts of this debate again).

"What we have got is the testimony of the raped children as related to Wilmer, Cryer and Straw, the police, and to the Sikh and Hindu representatives."

No Keith,

The "sikh and hindu representatives" of which you speak were only giving their opinions of what was being reported in the media.

I know because I checked their websites out.

In fact, the Hindu group you linked to were an extremist group that do not represent minstream hindus at all ... or even hindus in Britain, seeing as they were based in India - and their website had hundreds of articles about Moslems. Guess how many were complimentary ... none.

No evidence there of anything except anti islamic hindu extremism.

Cryer and Straw are politicians ... who gave their reaction to the Times reports in a "courageous" (ahem) way.

And the policemen were talking about their hunches.

They come from the same police force that is about 10 times more likely to stop and search a black man at random and about 5 times more likely to stop an asian man at random than they are to stop and search a white man at random.

They come from the sme police force that is more likely to prosecute young black and asian men and more likely to give white men a warning for the same crimes.

They gave their opinions, not evidence.

As for Wilmer, she stated that this issue has nothing to do with race so she is another who contradicts you. Besides, she is only REPORTING second hand what other people have ALLEGED.

So still no evidence.

All thats left is keith, stripped of his objective facade, sitting under the spotlight "looking like a racist"