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Thread #136495   Message #3119277
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Mar-11 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli has just begun
Obama will be criticized no matter what he does, Donuel, just as Bush would have been criticized before him, only by different people. Don't worry about it. ;-)

It's quite correct that Obama has behaved illegally, because like a whole long series of American presidents he has taken the country to war without the consent of Congress (after voting on it in Congress). That is illegal, because it's unconstitutional, but almost every president since FDR has done it, so there's nothing unusual about Obama doing it. They have a war, but don't bother declaring it, that's all.

Therefore, although I am observing that he did something unconstitutional and therefore illegal...I am not raising hell about it or pretending to be OUTRAGED! ;-D It's just one more case of the executive office in the USA acting as if it didn't need Congressional approval, and the rest of the government (aside from Dennis Kucinich, that is!) acting as if they didn't notice. It's standard stuff.

So don't make the mistake of imagining I'm up in arms about it. I'm not. I'm just bemused at how they all pretend to worship the Constitution, but they selectively get around it by doing whatever they want to, regardless...

I think it's also illegal to invade another country for quelling an internal matter how much you disapprove of the government that's doing the quelling...

But again, the laws aren't really the determining factor at all. The determining factor is a combination of:

1. strategic interests


2. whether or not you can get enough public support to invade that other country

If so, and if the strategic interests are weighty enough, then the invasion (or other form of attack) will go ahead, and most people will pretend it is legal, they'll even believe it's legal, and the usual complications will follow.

And EVERYONE involved will swear they are doing it for the most laudable, patriotic, and humanitarian reasons...but they're all doing it for their own gain.