The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3119497
Posted By: Donuel
22-Mar-11 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: The HUMAN SHIELDS have just begun
The human shields are coming the human shields are coming

But before we get into that, the 1st order of business is changing the name of the mission 'Odessey Dawn'. It seems Carnival Cruise LInes has a ship by that name and is threatening a lawsuit.
How about Illiad Dusk ?!

I tuned into to CNN today and saw a reporter in Libya steaming mad and yelling aboutsomeone being just plain nuts and that he expected goverments to lie to him but not war time journalists. He was royally PO'ed

After making sure I wasn't watching FOX I listened more carefully.
He said the whole lie is hypocritical and that he is angry that the entire story about human shields is "just plain nuts!"
It turns out that the FOX reporter in Libya, who incidently never leaves the hotel, reported on FOX news that CNN,NBC and CBS reporters were taken as human shields by Goverment forces and that it is not clear if some had volunteered to be a human shield for Muamer Qadafy. "I am shocked and disappointed that the FOX reporter would say such a thing when the only time he is even seen by fellow journalists is at breakfast. Gary Thagen should know that reporters take the goverment tour just to make sure that they can correct any misleading editing the goverment may try. The charge of human shields is ridiculous on its face yet they are sticking to that absurd story.

Jeez Louise, I am proud of this guy. It seems he has never watched FOX news in his life or he would have been desensitized to their reporting style by now.