The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136488   Message #3119547
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Mar-11 - 03:37 AM
Thread Name: Open mic acts that completely blow
Subject: RE: BS: Open mic acts that completely blow
Well then, if all the 'voices' in your head are confusing you, perhaps you should take your own advice!!

What I meant by part of the quote you posted, was, it has been said that black performers, as opposed to white performers, are more into getting the audiences involved in the performance, and they are one...where white performers are often more into , "Hey, look at me, I'm a star"....a trip to a black church should indicate this pretty well. Now, before everyone gets the knickers in a twist, about racism, it has nothing to do with race, so much, as the way of what is traditional. That being said, these days everybody is imitating everything, that tries to look 'hip', but, in traditional black churches, where 'gospel music' and certain blues, have their roots, the person up front, tries to get more audience participation, and the place gets 'rockin'..and everyone is expected to really 'get into it'. White entertainment, traditionally has everyone just glued to watching the guy up front.
If you know what I mean, then you know..if not, perhaps a little travel, would expose you to expand your influences, and knowledge.
That is what I meant by, "We are One"...not only with God, but each other, as in, All getting involved into the same spirit of what's going on!

I think that said it....