The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26085   Message #311970
Posted By: Peg
04-Oct-00 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 1
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 1
rabbit; I saw on th enews that, although he got a ticket, Nader was NOT allowed into the building...

troll, you wrote:

If people voted intelligently, theyed vote Libertarian. --can't say I agree with everything Libertarians want and so far NONE of these candidates have impressed me, which is why I now reguister as independent...

Peg, Naders first claim to fame was "Unsafe At Any Speed" which was aimed primarily at the Corvair. He claimed that poor engineering was the cause of roll-over accidents. GM-like fools- tried a smear campaign that backfired which added creadence to his allegations about the Corvair. But he was wrong. Later tests showed that improper tire inflation was the culprit. But Nader was off and running and after that, anything he said took on mystical status. If he said it, it must be so and anyone who argued was a tool of the dispoilers etc. You get the idea. --I don't think you are aware of the fact that if it were not for Ralph Nader, cars would not be required to have seat belts or air bags. If it were not for Ralph Nader, there would be no government inspection of meat or poultry. There would be no radiation guards on TV sets.

There would be no Environmental Protection Agency.

There would be no Freedom of Information Act.

Yes, maybe someone would have called for such things eventually. Nader did it first.

You get the idea.

I said all that earlier but I don't think you were listening :)

I read a profile on Nader on the net (ABC NEWS) a few weeks back and it was less than flattering. --why?
because he doesn't own a car? because he is unmarried? because he dresses like a slob and gives every cent of his extra money to charity, or uses money won in lawsuits to found new consumer-protection organizations?

I just love all these vague criticisms about the man. Can you back this up with examples? I mean, what the hell is "less than flattering" supposed to mean? I read, too, and I have read things about Gore and Bush that made my head swim...

Having never met the man, I am in no position to judge him from first-hand experience but from what I've read, i'd say demogogue fits. --yeah, well, you gotta vote with your conscience, and I will vote with mine. Bush is a monster, Gore is liar, and I want someone who will talk some truth for a change. Someone who doesn't kowtow to corporate interests. You surely cannot say that about Bore and Gush...
