The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3120266
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
24-Mar-11 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
So rather than admit you are wrong, you claim that all those people and the families of hundreds of raped children separately concocted a massive conspiracy of lies.

Ludicrous Lox!

When Straw spoke, you had no reason to doubt him.
Subsequently there has been evidence that it was not just white girls, but nothing to contradict him about BPs.
Why do not believe he really has had that experience?

Then the survey.
Not proof, but certainly evidence.
You dismiss it out of hand.
Ann Cryer said she had the same experience in her constituency.
Again, no reason offered to doubt what she said.
Hilary Wilmer. Why should this impeccable woman be doubted, with her hundreds of cases all BPs.
She corroborates all the previous.
Senior police officers, serving and retired, all part of the lying conspiracy?
Shafiq, Allibhai-Brown and Ahmed tell the same story from BP perspective, and it corroborates all that has gone before.

After all this time, still no evidence of significant non BP involvement.

So how do you JUST KNOW, with such CERTAINTY that it is all a massive and elaborate construction of lies?

Your mindless adherence to a dogmatic ideology in the face of copious cross corroborated evidence makes you a figure of ridicule and contempt.

Now, take back your slanders against those respectable Sikh and Hindu organisations.