The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136603   Message #3120480
Posted By: harmonic miner
24-Mar-11 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer
"get cancer by their chemicals and GMOs"

Sigh, more nonscience.

I'm referring specifically to the bit about GMO's. I assume this means Genetically Modified Organisms? Some of them could give you cancer but theres no reason to suppose that they are more likely to do so than non-genetically modified ones. Selective breeding has resulted in cattle being genetically modified i.e. having different genes to those of their original wild ancestors. But they are not necessarily more likely to cause cancer. There are varieties of wheat ganetically modified to make them disease resistant. They are not necessarily more likely to cause cancer either. But they might reduce the use of carcinogenic pesticides.
I'm not saying that all Genetic Modification is good but there is no particular link to cancer.