The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136603   Message #3120662
Posted By: VirginiaTam
24-Mar-11 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer
The last 3 generations of my maternal grandparents family have grown more and more ill. Hopewell Virginia (once touted as the Chemical Capitial of the south) is where we were all born and raised.

My mother has had serious breathing difficulties since she was a teen, her twin suffers from Crohns and recurring diverticulitis and was only able to bring one child to term, their older sister passed away in her early 60s after suffering numerous random illnesses, their older brother died in his 40s cancer, my cousin (64) has been in hospital for over a month, they cannot figure out what is wrong with her, her daughters and grandson have numerous health conditions ranging from bipoloar to ADHD, my sister and her daughter number of autoimmune related illnesses, I have autoimmune hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis (no one on either side of my family has this) and sjogrens and now something happening with my heart and lungs, my son ADHD and bipolar, my younger daughter hyperthyroid, poly-ovarian cyst syndrome, liver disease, enlarged spleen, kidney stones, my older daughter now dead from autoimmune adrenal dysfunction.

My maternal grandparents who moved to Hopewell from West Virginia and Pennsylvania were healthy and lived into their late 80s.

Don't tell me the chemicals we were exposed to in Hopewell did not contribute to deteriorating health of my extended family.

Conspiracy theory? Maybe no conspiracy to make us all ill and then profit by creating treatments. Perhaps just a fortuitous afterthought.

It does not profit any company making medicines to do their job too well, does it? And it sure as shit don't sit right with me that the big pharmaceutical companies are bound up with the chemical companies.