The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134205   Message #3120890
Posted By: Ross Campbell
24-Mar-11 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Last Clydesdales (Archie Webster)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Last of the Clydesdales (Archie Webster)
First, a correction to the above obituary - the spelling of Oliver's surname is McDonald - mea culpa.

Second - I did wonder whether Archie Fisher might have been the source for Garnet Rogers' version of "Denbrae". There is a live recording of Archie singing the song on a Minnesota Public Radio's "Radio Heartland" programme from April 24, 2010 - scroll down to the "listen" link for that date after clicking

The song is embedded in the second hour of a two-hour streaming programme, with two other songs and a conversation with Archie, so you'll just have to wait (75 minutes in)! (and endure news reports from last year's political convention). Still ploughing (!) through that myself. The song comes in at about the 90th minute. Archie Fisher got it from Archie Webster himself.
