The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26092   Message #312118
Posted By: Sandy Paton
04-Oct-00 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Pete and Arlo Endorse Nader
Subject: RE: Pete and Arlo Endorse Nader
I'm in agreement with those who feel that a vote for Nader is sure to help elect Bush. Caroline and I worked for Toby Moffett and helped to elect him to Congress three times. Toby set up the Connecticut Citizen's Action Group as a pilot program for his friend Nader. They had been friends for many years. Toby is now urging people to avoid the "reckless" choice. He wrote a serious Op-Ed piece about Nader's folly that the Hartford Courant published a few weeks ago.

Another serious consideration: were Nader to be elected as the Green Party candidate (and there's not a chance of that happening, we all realize), how could he work with the Congress? He's not known to be a skillful compromiser. That may be seen by some of you as a virtue, but hardly as an effective means of getting programs through the House and Senate.

I'll go along with Bartholomew's thought. Work to get Nader, or some equally dedicated person, nominated for the next go around, and by a major party. Get in there and work hard to make that party responsive to the problems that concern you the most. So far, the Democratic Party does that best for me. Prescription drugs for senior citizens under MediCare would help me (and many others like me) a lot! Gore's plan does it better.

Grandpa Sandy