The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3121196
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Mar-11 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I agree with it."
Then why do you continue to insist that it is an aspect of British Pakistani culture and why did you edit any references to it not being a racial issue out of Straw's statement?
"but because their own girls are off limits."
Are you suggesting that they are placed 'on limits'?
"I do not know if the problem is confined to the Midlands and North of England."
You don't even acknowledge how significant it is in the North or in the Midlands (or if you do, you haven't told us), yet you continue to make it an issue by exaggerating its size - IT IS NOT A CITY-WIDE ISSUE, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST OR WEST AS FAR AS WE KNOW BUT YOU CONTINUE TO PRETEND IT IS.
"17 court prosecutions since 1997, 14 of them in the past three years, involving the on-street grooming of girls aged 11 to 16 by groups of men."
To repeat, the grooming, seduction, and rape of young women is as old as sex and has been happenning as far back as written history - stop making it a British Pakistan problem - that's racist.
"Also the testimonies of MPs, support workers, police, etc., etc., etc.,"
Support workers have warned against people like yourself making it a racist issue and police and judges have specifically said that there is no racial connection - yet you have consistently attempted to make it one by the sheer size of your slimy postings. Try reading them all in one go, it will save you forking out for an emetic (or maybe in your case, it won't)!
The people who commit these crimes are criminals; attempting to single them out ar Asian or Pakistani or coloured or foreign is evil - it's what scum like the BNP thrive on.
Jim Carroll