The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3121257
Posted By: Lox
25-Mar-11 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Thanks Lively.

Now lets examine her words.

First, lets distinguish between her opinion and her testimony.

She is not a psychologist, so at the age of 20, in light of her recent trauma and the damage done by these guys to her, it would be deeply misleading to present her assessment of their psychology as anything more than her opinion.

We did learn this though.

"those friends she sought out so assiduously at 13 in the local shopping centre near her home in Yorkshire turned out not to be friends at all, but a well-organised gang of criminals, using teenage boys as bait to enable them to groom young, naïve girls like Emma for a life of prostitution."

So - as I have said all along - "organized criminals" - and in addition "using boys as bait"

That doesn't sound like repressed boys getting it elsewhere, it sounds like young boys being used as bait by organized crime gangs.

Unless we are alleging that British Pakistanis have a predisposition to organized crime as well, then we have to acept that these guys are not representative of British Pakistani culture but of criminal culture.

Their crimes are no different to other traffickers who also groom young and old girls.

There is nithing in her statement (not sworn under oath I might add) to suggest that Pakistanis are closet Paedos.