The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3122985
Posted By: bobad
27-Mar-11 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli has just begun
From BBC

"the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council said the rebels could begin exporting oil in less than a week.

Spokesman Ali Tarhouni said oil fields in territory under opposition control were already producing more than 100,000 barrels of crude a day.

He said the Gulf state of Qatar had agreed to help bring it to market"

News reports like this and others that Gaddafi's forces are increasingly turning tail and fleeing as the pro democracy rebels advance closer to Tripoli are signals that the end game may be in sight. We can only hope that it will be achieved with minimal loss of life....Insh'Allah.