The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136676   Message #3123450
Posted By: Brian May
28-Mar-11 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Census form - what's the problem?
Subject: RE: BS: UK Census form - what's the problem?
I thought that whilst it was easy enough to fill in (on line in my case), it was the most intrusive census I've ever seen.

Amazing how draconian governments get when you consider NOT dancing to their tune. God help them if you mess with their stats.

It's rich when you remember the interview between Jeremy Paxman and Tony Bliar - when he couldn't name to within the nearest 10,000 how many illegal immigrants in this country. No doubt, they were all busily filling in their Census forms, yeah right.

Arthur had it right, it's a load of bollocks.