The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136682   Message #3123763
Posted By: Lox
28-Mar-11 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: No such thing as a B-sharp
Subject: RE: No such thing as a B-sharp
Well to play a song in the key of C#, you just play the same as if it was in C, but with every note sharp.

Regardless of whether its Folk or not.

So if your song in the key of C has a B in it, then the same song in the key of C# would have a B# in it.

Its the simplest and most practical way of getting the point across.

I hate it when both people who can read and people who can't read treat it like some kind of mysterious secret academic language.

Don, you talk about flicking the light switch.

I prefer to compare it to driving a car.

Some people are passengers, some know how to make it go from A to B and some know why that clunking noise means you need to pull over right now.

Passengers - listen to music.
Drivers    - play music.
Engineers - understand how music works.

Knowing how something works helps you use it better.

There's no mystery.