The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136682   Message #3123786
Posted By: JohnInKansas
28-Mar-11 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: No such thing as a B-sharp
Subject: RE: No such thing as a B-sharp
Given that the assignment of A B C ... etc to notes is entirely arbitrary, the entire debate is complete sophistry.

THERE IS NO specific pitch that is always "correctly" any particular note or that is accurately described by that terminology.

That particular terminology is simply a "shorthand" for the correct description of a note by giving its "interval" from some arbitrarily chosen "base note" within the context of a specifically declared tonal scale structure and in a correctly delineated modal shift.

A "real music theorist," if striving for accuracy and if communicating with other theorists who have a need to understand the fine points and who want to understand the important specifics of a musical composition would probably use something closer to the "Nashville Notation" and would completely ignore the triviality of any particular "key" or any "note names."

Only the intervals really matter.

From the beginning, there is no "A" that has any specific meaning. It's whatever note the concertmaster plays when the ochestra tunes up.

The ABC scale notation is baby talk, and apparently josepp speaks it well. It is perfectly and completely adequate for most uses of interest to the majority of people in common situations, but it's still NOT the language of the most competent musicians or music theorests.

There's no "k" in classic Spanish either, but Spanish speakers do use it quite a lot. No big deal.
