The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136682   Message #3123887
Posted By: Lox
29-Mar-11 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: No such thing as a B-sharp
Subject: RE: No such thing as a B-sharp
Sorry, but the following is not anything like as clever as it purports to be.

"Given that the assignment of A B C ... etc to notes is entirely arbitrary, the entire debate is complete sophistry."

The same thing can be said about the letters and words you use to indicate the ideas you are trying to convey.

Thankfully, noone disputes the usefulness of reading words so you are able to explain your misunderstanding clearly and I am able to correct you without us ever hhaving to meet.

In addition, being able to read and write is useful in helping people to understand concepts more clearly, which is why taking notes and writing essays are useful skills.

The same applies in music. Being able to read it and write it are extremely useful skills that assist not just in communication, but in the visualization of theoretical ideas and concepts.

The subject matter is communication and if you are misinformed about the meaning of words ot the sound of letters, you will end up confusing yourself and others.