The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136682   Message #3123989
Posted By: Lox
29-Mar-11 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: No such thing as a B-sharp
Subject: RE: No such thing as a B-sharp
Mr Happy.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and accept that you are actually interested and not just raising a glass to ignorance.

Here are the notes of the key of C#


          C#    D#    E#    F#    G#    A#    B#      C#

As you can see, the scale looks the way it sounds - one note following another.

Likewise, if you were to see a melody written in C#, you would have a good idea of its shae and sound by just glancing at it.

Conceptually this is a very useful way of visualizing music in your head.

Until I learned this stuff, I used to visualize things in terms of a guitar fretboard, which is prbably the single most confusing and inefficient way to visualize music in your mind.

In practice, yopu would put all the sharps in the key signature at the start of the stave so that you don't have to write them in front of each note as follows.

#                                                       0
#                                        0

          C#    D#    E#    F#    G#    A#    B#      C#

That way, the melody is even easier to read and any sharps or flats added to the tune to give it of spice stand out more.

But Mr Happy, trying to argue this point from an ignorant standpoint will only make you come across like a "wise" old skeptic warning about the dangers of linguistic literacy.

As with anything, to make a salient point or criticism, you have to first find something out about your subject.

I suggest, if you are genuinely interested in understanding the answers to your questons, that you take the time to learn about it.