The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136603 Message #3124295
Posted By: VirginiaTam
29-Mar-11 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer
The bark of willow tree could not be patented. After scientists isolated the pain killing component, Bayer patented and sold a synthesised form of salicylic acid as aspirin.
White willow bark can be used in place of aspirin, in order to avoid some serious side effects associated with aspirin such as, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. However it is not recommended for people who show sensitivity to aspirin.
Just saying that the pain killer in its natural form had properties which made it less problematic and sometimes more effective than the patented, profitable medicine the last hundred+ years of users have seen.
Simple example of what could be a huge problem. Exactly what is produced and what are the effects of consuming products that have been broken down and reformulated, we may never know.
I do know that certain smells, like air fresheners make me very ill for hours after exposure. I know that if I eat one Certs breath mint sweetened with aspartame it will give me an instant and debilitating headache. MSG does the same thing to me. Aspirin caused disfiguring facial swellings since I was a child.