The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136682   Message #3124516
Posted By: GUEST,999
29-Mar-11 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: No such thing as a B-sharp
Subject: RE: No such thing as a B-sharp
"And for those who don't llike my threads"

josepp, I think your threads are wonderful. Truly. You are an amazingly smart man. But you insult people just because you can. I'm from a different part of town, and where I'm from that kind of insulting is a quick trip to where no one really wants to go. Before you tell me you don't care, allow me to tell you that that don't matter. What matters is the things you say and the things you do. So far ya ain't said nothin' that recognizes the intelligence of the people with whom you speak.

This being a forum for opinion, you have a right to think of the threads you start as being yours. But it's kinda like having to take a piss. Yes you have the right, but there are times and places. In the local department store is not the place, and until after closing it ain't the time. Might scare the horses.

The reality you may or may never come to see: One of the people you have dissed is a revered musician and writer, Don Firth. Another is an excellent composer, Smokey. Another is Will Fly: Talk about a sense of humour. And Tom Bliss was and is a man whose departure from making music in the real public forum made me cry. I will never tell anyone who you are, but I'll know. And you'd best know also that it sometimes takes more than being cute to impress people. Manners always are better. Please develop some. I won't insult your beard or ragtime singing and playing; you please do not insult my friends.

Bruce Murdoch

PS When you look me up, that scar on my face was the result of a really stupid decision on my part. I have no idea what the scar on your heart is from. If you ever feel you want to speak about it, message me. I'm easy enough to find.

I am sorry to the many people on this thread I haven't named. Please write it off to old age and a failing mammary. (I see tits in the distance and I miss the Rocky Mountains.)