The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3124551
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
30-Mar-11 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Research by the Coalition for the Removal of Pimping (CROP) found girls are drawn in with flattery and the promise of excitement before later being exposed to drugs, alcohol and criminal acts.

Sometimes it is boys of a similar age, even in the same class at school, who are used to make the initial approach with the victim believing they have genuine romantic intentions.

But as the girls become more entangled in the criminal world their control is gradually passed to senior members of the network.

CROP chairwoman Hilary Willmer said: "In some cases this can be a family business, whether that is immediate family or extended family. The girl is approached by a younger member then introduced to an older cousin or brother, then it's payback time.

"If you come out of school and are picked up in a flashy car and given a mobile phone that's glamorous. They are isolated from family and friends until they are completely under the influence of this person who they think is wonderful.

"People always believe it couldn't happen to them but the families we work with are normal and come from right across the spectrum."

The research was unveiled at a CROP conference held in Leeds yesterday attended by victims' parents, police and a Government Minister.

It suggests parents often do not realise the danger until too late while police and social services find it difficult to distinguish between the early stages of grooming and normal teenage courtship behaviour.

The group called for an end to presumptions that things like this only happened to dysfunctional families and argued more specialist police officers were needed to deal with these cases.

One of the victims' mothers, who asked not to be named, said her daughter was 13 when she was first picked up by an older man outside her school. She soon began truanting and going missing for increasingly long periods of time.

The girl started shoplifting and experimenting with a variety of illegal drugs, eventually overdosing. At the age of 16, she left home and ended up living in a flat in London being used as a prostitute.

Her mother said: "These men are still around and doing the same thing. I have seen them where I shop buying cigarettes for kids. That is the thing that really riles me."

And your case rests on all these young and very young (11years old!) victims of violent gang rape over and over, ARE LYING!