The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3124583
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Mar-11 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
And here is the continuing saga of the Thoughts of Chairman Keith, with his picture of everyday British Pakistani life.
Not sure how long I am going to be able to continue doing this; the sheer size (or maybe the nature of the content) is beginning to freeze up my screen.
Jim Carroll

Chapter 6
I have not made my case on statistics, but on the testimony of reputable people whose work brings them into contact with this crime and its pitiful victims. They all say the perpetrators are BPs
The misuse of young childrens' lives by subjecting them to multiple rape.
These people especially target children in the care system.
They are more susceptible to the lure of faked affection.
Orphans. The easiest of easy meat.
hundreds of children, in a large area of Northern England, raped by members of a minority group,
Those who claim that this is mainly a crime of BPs, are the hundreds of children who have been violently gang raped by them.
A large number, many hundreds, of children were groomed and gang raped by BPs in certain northern cities over the last ten years.
It is just that we happened to be discussing this crime, i.e. on-street grooming of children by groups.
A large number, many hundreds, of children were groomed and gang raped by BPs in certain northern cities over the last ten years.
Grooming involves getting close to them.
Many don't, and those in care have no families anyway.
"the tip of the iceberg."
hundreds of families who turned to her, ALL the abusers were BPs.
large number, many hundreds, of children were groomed and gang raped by BPs in certain northern cities over the last ten years.
Hundreds of children alleged they had been groomed and raped by BPs,
those convicted of this (non existent) crime were nearly all BPs.
having their young lives devastated
"on-street grooming", where young girls, spotted outside, including at the school gates, have become targets,....
This would be the anecdotes of many hundreds of groomed and raped children describing their rapists.
Many of the victims were in care,
The only evidence so far produced on street grooming by groups is from the Midlands and the North, and is all BPs
The string of convictions in cities such as Rotherham, Preston, Blackburn, Rochdale and now Derby have more often than not involved Asian men, specifically men of Pakistani origin, and mainly Muslim.
the on-street grooming of girls aged 11 to 16 by groups of men.
victims were typically white girls while 'most central offenders are Pakistani'.
They were criminal gangs of street groomers, pimps and child rapists who happen to all come from the BP community.
The offenders were not viewed as paedophiles but had picked the girls 'because of their malleability'.
It is suggested they go for children because they are easy meat.
The grooming in public places would not look suspicious, especially if teenage boys were used as bait.
The pimping and raping was done behind closed doors.
We have heard the techniques used to discourage the girls from talking, and how difficult it was to get them to stand up in court.
A mountain of evidence has been supplied that there is an over-representation.
I think there is an over representation of BPs, in on-street grooming by groups, at least in the towns and cities of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Greater Manchester and the Midlands.
There is a mountain of evidence FOR an over-representaion. There is non against it.
this abuse has been going on for years.
"What parents tend to notice at first is that their child is acting differently " she becomes secretive, aggressive, rebellious, staying out late or disappearing overnight.
"At the beginning we worked on the assumption that girls were groomed by individual pimps, but later discovered widespread pimping networks, much like international people trafficking gangs. Shopping malls, games arcades, places around takeaways and parks are common meeting places.
"The girl (who's typically aged between 13 and 16, but can be only 11 or 12) may meet the man alone, or be introduced by a friend who already knows him. He is usually quite a lot older and good looking, well-dressed and may well have a fast car. He'll meet her regularly, shower her with gifts, give her drink and maybe also drugs, take her for rides, tell her how special she is. He may have sex with her, but not at first, and he will discourage her from telling her parents about him because "they wouldn't understand".
"At some point further down the line he will take her to a flat or down an alley and tell her that in return for all the things he has done for her, it's payback time and she has to do something for him. She will then probably be gang raped. She will be confused, weak, think she's in love with the pimp, but also feel ashamed and guilty. She goes home and takes it out on her family and also drops out of education."
The story of an individual girl's ordeal comes to light either after she has some sort of breakdown or her parents find enough clues to piece some of the story together, confront their child and go to the police. Girls' reluctance to turn to their families earlier on in this desperate chain of events is commonly attributed to fear" threats of serious harm to parents, siblings and home (as well as drug or alcohol dependence) are used to keep the girl in line.
Reading the terrible accounts given to CROP by parents and daughters, it's clear that the men involved brainwash girls who are still
physically, psychologically and legally children into believing they have no choice but to go on being regularly and systematically raped by men who pay her "boyfriend".
After the truth comes to light, difficulty in providing evidence is why so few men have been convicted of rape or sexual exploitation. Usually a man will either flatly deny sex happened, or say "she agreed to it, and told me she was 17".
CROP hosts twice-yearly networking days, where parents can meet and share their experiences. A common tale is that social workers and other agencies assume that these crimes only happen with children from dysfunctional families. "Not true," says Hilary. "I've seen it happen in every kind of family you can think of."
Securing a prosecution is a near-impossible task, it seems, and some police forces spend little effort on time-consuming specialist sexual exploitation investigations. But successes for CROP include the tightening of legislation to make grooming an offence carrying a sentence of up to 14 years.
found girls are drawn in with flattery and the promise of excitement before later being exposed to drugs, alcohol and criminal acts.
Sometimes it is boys of a similar age, even in the same class at school, who are used to make the initial approach with the victim believing they have genuine romantic intentions.
But as the girls become more entangled in the criminal world their control is gradually passed to senior members of the network.
CROP chairwoman Hilary Willmer said: "In some cases this can be a family business, whether that is immediate family or extended family. The girl is approached by a younger member then introduced to an older cousin or brother, then it's payback time.
"If you come out of school and are picked up in a flashy car and given a mobile phone that's glamorous. They are isolated from family and friends until they are completely under the influence of this person who they think is wonderful.
"People always believe it couldn't happen to them but the families we work with are normal and come from right across the spectrum."
It suggests parents often do not realise the danger until too late while police and social services find it difficult to distinguish between the early stages of grooming and normal teenage courtship behaviour.
The group called for an end to presumptions that things like this only happened to dysfunctional families and argued more specialist police officers were needed to deal with these cases.
One of the victims' mothers, who asked not to be named, said her daughter was 13 when she was first picked up by an older man outside her school. She soon began truanting and going missing for increasingly long periods of time.
The girl started shoplifting and experimenting with a variety of illegal drugs, eventually overdosing. At the age of 16, she left home and ended up living in a flat in London being used as a prostitute.
Her mother said: "These men are still around and doing the same thing. I have seen them where I shop buying cigarettes for kids. That is the thing that really riles me."

And not forgetting